Sunday, February 20, 2011

cotton clock. <3
i'm going to miss summer- yet i'm so excited for winter fashion, and my must have for the melbourne cold is a super cute capelet!

oh dear god yes.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

i love ray bans, i really do. but i've come to the realisation that every human on the planet seems to own and wear them now. so i've been on the look out for a new theme that still hold the vintage 50s-60s look that i love, and i've found it!

cat-eye sunglasses! and these tom ford nikita babes are at the top of the list!

not the mention- these, those, this and that ...and little of these.

in the meantime, i knew i kept my grandmothers old sunnies for good reason. there time has come!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

loving this- if only i could fit all my crap within it.
gorman has decided to produce a limited edition of bicycles!

the spotty remakes of the vintage style comes complete with basket, hand brakes- yet, sadly, no puppy.

there's a dusty pink one with black spots in chadstone with my name on it.